The city of Antigonea was founded by Pyrrhos, the King of the Molossans, in the year 295 BC. The Molossans were one of the three tribes of Epiros (in today’s southern Albania and northern Greece), which grew to a strong state in this period. Antigonea developed as an important economic, social, cultural and political center, and at the end of the 3rd century and in the beginning of the 2nd century BC took shape as a polis (city-state) and one of most important settlements of antiquity.
The National Archaeological Park of Antigonea was legally established in 2005 and covers an area of about 92ha (core zone). Together with the parks of Shkoder Castle, Lezha, Apollonia, Byllis, Amantia, Orikum, Finiqi and Butrint, it forms Albania’s system of archaeological parks. Antigonea has had an administration office since 2007 and employs six staff.