church is a lovely stone and brick building with a terracotta roof with a dome
and a separate bell tower which was built later. The church, built between
1250-1270 upon the remains of an older church.
The St Mary
Church which is the part of the Orthodox Ardenica Monastery and its wonderful
frescoes and icons painted by Zografi Brothers was built on the nearby hill
overlooking the neighboring plains. This is the place where Scanderbeg married
his beloved Andronike in 1451.
surrounding monastic complex, defensive wall and bell tower, date from various
points in the history of the monastry, from the 13th to the 20th century. The
cells of the monks were located in the north and west sides; on the southern
side is the bell tower, reconstructed at the beginning of the 20th century; the
east side is closed by a defensive wall, and the remainder of the west side
contains the refectory (or monk’s dining hall) and the toilets. The refectory
is a long triconch shape and dates to the early years of the 14th century. It
is said to boasts some of the most complete medieval frescoes surviving in
Take your time to visit the Archaeological Museum located inside the monastery. The museum contains many archaeological treasures found during excavations and expeditions in the area. You can visit first floor rooms along the monastery walls, six separate halls dedicated to the exhibition of prehistoric to Roman-era including baked clay pottery items, ceramics, vessels decorated with Hellenic mythological images, and a rich numismatic collection. Outside six a kind of statue-lined portico, large marble statues – and with a beautiful panoramas view.